Saturday, September 27, 2008

Are grapes bad for acne

« ...Benzoyl peroxide is a very common ingredient used in acne treatment products. If you have mild acne, you can treat it with acne products that contain 5% to 5% benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide is effective in treating acne, but it can cause drying of the skin and it can feel like the skin is burning, which is why some people choose not to use acne treatment products that have this ingredient....
...Other factors that are thought to contribute to acne include:Use of oil-based, pore-clogging cosmetics (look for non-comedogenic products).A family history of acne.Abrasion caused by over-vigorous scrubbing or frequent shaving.Exposure to high heat and humidity.The use of certain drugs, such as glucocorticoids, iodides, bromides, lithium, artificial androgens and others....»
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«...Just a word of caution, reserve this technique for that occasional pimple that just pops up on you (all the way at the surface and white). Should you have a situation that is more severe, seek help from professionals or you can refer to my website here for more information....»
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tags: natural remedies acne mask, pregnancy and acne and dry skin, skin care centers for damaged skin caused by acne

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